Troup County reserves the right to reject any or all bids / RFP's and to waive technicalities and formalities.
The Troup County Board of Commissioners (“County”) is interested in seeking competitive proposals (“Proposal”) from interested qualified professionals to serve as the County’s Property and Liability Insurance Broker (“Proposer”). Interested parties are invited to submit a Proposal based on the attached specifications.
All questions shall be submitted in writing to Ramona Gillham, Purchasing Director by email to no later 4:00 PM EST on 20th day of March, 2025. Phone calls will not be accepted. Questions and answers will be issued in the form of an addendum to all interested parties and will be available on our website at Information from any other source could result in disqualification.
All proposals shall be submitted sealed, plainly marked showing the name of the Insurance Broker Service with the words “Property and Liability Insurance Coverage” clearly written on the outside no later than 10:00 AM EST on the 27th of March, 2025 to:
Troup County Board of Commissioners
100 Ridley Ave., Suite 3100
ATTENTION: Purchasing Department
Suite 3100
LaGrange, GA 30240
Any proposals after that time will not be accepted. The envelope must contain the original and one (1) copy and a digital copy of the proposal being submitted.
The County reserves the right to waive any technicality, informality, or non-material deviations from the stated requirements when such action is determined to be in the best interest of the County, and to evaluate all proposals, to accept portions of any proposal and to accept any proposal that in its opinion may be in the best interest of the COUNTY.
The County reserves the right to accept or reject any and all proposals, in whole or part, to waive minor deviations from the requirements if deemed in the best interest of the County, and to negotiate with any or all responsive and responsible proposers. However, failure to meet a material requirement, as determined solely by the County, will result in disqualification.
Sealed proposals from Contractors will be received by Troup County Purchasing Department,in 100 Ridley Avenue, Suite 3100, until 2:00 p.m. at the time prevailing in LaGrange, Georgia on 27 MARCH 2025 for the Troup County Court Room Fit-Out located at 100 Ridley Ave, LaGrange, Georgia. At the time and place noted above, the proposals will be publicly opened. The exterior of the package must be clearly marked identifying the contents of the package. All sealed proposals shall include a fully completed/executed PROPOSAL FORM, as provided in the attachment, the required 5% Bid Bond, and a detailed project proposal demonstrating compliance with the Scope of Work.
The contract, if awarded, will be on a lump sum basis. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after time has been called on the date of the opening. Anticipated start date for construction is on or about MAY of 2025.
Bids delivered to:
Troup County Purchasing Department
100 Ridley Ave., Suite 3100
LaGrange, GA 30240
Late bids will not be accepted.
Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting to be held on 18 FEBRUARY 2025 at 2:00 PM on the Project Site. All requests for clarification or additional information must be made via email ONLY to Ramona Gillham, Troup County Purchasing Director, at No phone calls or contacts other than email is allowed. Contacting any other party prior to the bid opening for clarification and/or additional information will require that any proposal submitted by said bidder to be declared non-responsive. No requests for clarification and/or additional information will be allowed after 18 MARCH 2025.
Any and all addenda for this project will be posted at
Due to Inclement Weather, the Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting has been changed to 28 JANUARY 2025 at 2:00PM on the Project Site (801 Dallis Street, LaGrange, Ga 30240).
Sealed proposals from Contractors will be received by Troup County Purchasing Department, in 100 Ridley Avenue, Suite 3100, until 2:00 p.m. at the time prevailing in LaGrange, Georgia on 25 FEBRUARY 2025 for the Callaway Stadium – Artificial Turf Replacement Project - RFP (1/15/2025) located at 801 Dallis Street, LaGrange, Georgia. At the time and place noted above, the proposals will be publicly opened. The exterior of the package must be clearly marked identifying the contents of the package. All sealed proposals shall include a fully completed/executed PROPOSAL FORM, as provided in this INVITATION TO BID, the required 5% Bid Bond, and a detailed project proposal demonstrating compliance with the RFP Scope of Work. The detailed project proposal shall include all product information (specifications, quantities, dimensions, etc.), installation information (methodology, processes, steps, etc.), a copy of all manufacturer’s product warranties, and the contractor’s written warranty covering all labor, installation, and workmanship.
The contract, if awarded, will be on a lump sum basis. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after time has been called on the date of the opening.
The project is to be substantially complete in sixty (60) consecutive calendar days. Anticipated start date for construction is on or about MAY of 2025.
Bids delivered to:
Troup County Purchasing Department
100 Ridley Ave., Suite 3100
LaGrange, GA 30240
Late bids will not be accepted.
Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting to be held on 23 JANUARY 2025 at 2:00 PM on the Project Site.
All requests for clarification or additional information must be made via email ONLY to Ramona Gillham, Troup County Purchasing Director, at No phone calls or contacts other than email is allowed. Contacting any other party prior to the bid opening for clarification and/or additional information will require that any proposal submitted by said bidder to be declared non-responsive. No requests for clarification and/or additional information will be allowed after 17 FEBRUARY 2025.
Any and all addenda for this project will be posted at
RFP - Artificial Turf Replacement Project
Site Plan - Artificial Turf Replacement Project
Troup County will continue to received bids on the below project until 2/28/2025.
The Board of County Commissioners of Troup County will receive competing bid proposals for: Troup County GA – Pyne Road Park Master Plan, as described in the Master Plan for this project. The Master Plan for this project and unsolicited proposal documents can be obtained at:
All sealed competing proposals from contractors will be received by Troup County Purchasing Department, 100 Ridley Avenue, Suite 3100 until 3:00 pm on September 12, 2024. Proposals will be publically opened at this time. Late proposals will not be accepted.
Each proposals must be clearly marked identifying the contents on the exterior of the package. Each response shall include one (1) original proposal, three (3) hard copies, and one (1) electronic copy of the complete bid proposal.
The project, if awarded, will be based on the merit of the proposal chosen.
Troup County reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to waive technicalities and formalities, or to make any decisions deemed to be in the best interest of Troup County
Whitesville Road Soccer Complex – Maintenance Building Metal Roof Replacement Project - RFP (10/30/2024) 1712 Whitesville Road, LaGrange, Ga 30240
Sealed proposals from Contractors will be received by Troup County Purchasing Department, in 100 Ridley Avenue, Suite 3100, until 2:00 p.m. at the time prevailing in LaGrange, Georgia on 5 DECEMBER 2024 for the Whitesville Road Soccer Complex – Maintenance Building – Metal Roof Replacement Project - RFP (10/30/2024) located at 1712 Whitesville Road, LaGrange, Georgia. At the time and place noted above, the proposals will be publicly opened. The exterior of the package must be clearly marked identifying the contents of the package. All sealed proposals shall include a fully completed/executed PROPOSAL FORM, as provided in this INVITATION TO BID, a copy of all manufacturer’s product warranties, and the contractor’s written warranty covering all labor, installation, and workmanship.
The contract, if awarded, will be on a lump sum basis. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after time has been called on the date of the opening.
The project is to be substantially complete in ninety (90) consecutive calendar days. Anticipated start date for construction is on or about JANUARY - MARCH 2025.
Bids delivered to:
Troup County Purchasing Department
100 Ridley Ave., Suite 3100
LaGrange, GA 30240
Late bids will not be accepted
All requests for clarification or additional information must be made via email ONLY to Diana Evans, Troup County Purchasing Director, at No phone calls or contacts other than email is allowed. Contacting any other party prior to the bid opening for clarification and/or additional information will require that any proposal submitted by said bidder to be declared non-responsive. No requests for clarification and/or additional information will be allowed after 26 NOVEMBER 2024 (COB).
Any and all addenda for this project will be posted at
Troup County Board of Commissioners is accepting bids for Pest Control Services for Troup County Government Facilities. The complete scope of work can be found on our website
Any questions or requests for additional information must be submitted to Ramona Gillham, Purchasing Director, at no later than 5:00 pm, Thursday, November 12, 2024. Information from any other source will not be binding upon Troup County and could result in the disqualification of your bid. Any/all addenda will be posted to Troup County’s website.
The successful bidder will be required to complete a Troup County vendor package and provide all the information required by the package. These forms are available at, along with verification of general liability and worker’s compensation insurance coverage. A list of locations can be found in Attachment 1 attachment. This list may have locations added to or deleted as needed.
Bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope, clearly marked “Pest Control Services”, to the Troup County Purchasing Department, at Suite 3100, 100 Ridley Avenue, LaGrange, GA. You must submit bids no later than 3:00pm, Thursday, November 21, 2024. Late bids will not be accepted. At the time and place noted above, the proposals will be publically opened. All bids must be valid for 60 days.
Troup County reserves the right to accept/reject any or all bids or make any decision deemed to be in the best interest of the county.
Troup County Board of Commissioners is accepting bids for Inspection and Maintenance of Fire Extinguishers and Kitchen Hood Systems for Troup County Government Facilities. The complete scope of work can be found on our website
Any questions or requests for additional information must be submitted to Ramona Gillham, Purchasing Director, at no later than 5:00 pm, Thursday, November 7, 2024. Information from any other source will not be binding upon Troup County and could result in the disqualification of your bid. Any/all addenda will be posted to Troup County’s website.
The successful bidder will be required to complete a Troup County vendor package and provide all the information required by the package. These forms are available at, along with verification of general liability and worker’s compensation insurance coverage. A list of locations can be found in the SPECIFICATIONS sheet attachment. This list may have locations added to or deleted as needed.
Bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope, clearly marked “Inspection and Maintenance of Fire Extinguishers and Kitchen Hood Systems”, to the Troup County Purchasing Department, at Suite 3100, 100 Ridley Avenue, LaGrange, GA. You must submit bids no later than 2:00pm, Thursday, November 21, 2024. Late bids will not be accepted. At the time and place noted above, the proposals will be publically opened. All sealed bids shall include a fully completed/executed BID RESPONSE FORM, provided in the SPECIFICATIONS sheet attachment. All bids must be valid for 60 days.
Troup County reserves the right to accept/reject any or all bids or make any decision deemed to be in the best interest of the county.
Fire Extinguisher-Kitchen Hood Specifications
Sealed proposals from Contractors will be received by Troup County Purchasing Department, in 100 Ridley Avenue, Suite 3100, until 2:00 p.m. at the time prevailing in LaGrange, Georgia on 3 DECEMBER 2024 for the LaGrange Active Life Center – LED Pickleball Lighting System (+2 Existing Courts) - RFP (10/18/2024) located at 140 Ragland Steet, LaGrange, Georgia At the time and place noted above, the proposals will be publicly opened. The exterior of the package must be clearly marked identifying the contents of the package. All sealed proposals shall include a fully completed/executed PROPOSAL FORM, as provided in this INVITATION TO BID, the required 5% Bid Bond, and a detailed project proposal demonstrating the proposed lighting system design and compliance with the Scope of Work. The detailed project proposal shall include a complete LED lighting system design layout (including the location of all light poles, underground electrical circuitry, and electrical components), photometric design layout report, written performance guarantee, structural/engineering design & calculations, electrical design plans, all product information, a copy of all manufacturer’s product warranties, and the contractor’s written warranty covering all labor, installation, and workmanship.
The contract, if awarded, will be on a lump sum basis. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after time has been called on the date of the opening.
The project is to be substantially complete in ninety (90) consecutive calendar days. Anticipated start date for construction is on or about JANUARY - MARCH 2025.
Bids delivered to:
Troup County Purchasing Department
100 Ridley Ave., Suite 3100
LaGrange, GA 30240
Late bids will not be accepted
Mandatory Pre-Bid to be held on 31 OCTOBER 2024 at 2:00 PM on the Project Site.
Sealed proposals from Contractors will be received by Troup County Purchasing Department, in 100 Ridley Avenue, Suite 3100, until 2:00 p.m. at the time prevailing in LaGrange, Georgia on 10 OCTOBER 2024 for the Whitesville Road Soccer Complex (Expansion Project) - Soccer Field Lighting System - RFP (9/5/2024) located at 1700 Whitesville Road, LaGrange, Georgia. At the time and place noted above, the proposals will be publicly opened. The exterior of the package must be clearly marked identifying the contents of the package. All sealed proposals shall include a fully completed/executed PROPOSAL FORM, as provided in this INVITATION TO BID, the required 5% Bid Bond, and a detailed project proposal demonstrating the proposed lighting system design and compliance with the Scope of Work. The detailed project proposal shall include a complete LED lighting system design layout (including the location of all light poles, underground electrical circuitry, and electrical components), photometric design layout report, written performance guarantee, structural/engineering design & calculations, control & monitoring design plans, electrical design plans, all product information, a copy of all manufacturer’s product warranties, and the contractor’s written warranty covering all labor, installation, and workmanship.
The contract, if awarded, will be on a lump sum basis. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after time has been called on the date of the opening.
The project is to be substantially complete in one hundred and twenty (120) consecutive calendar days. Anticipated start date for construction is on or about 14 NOVEMBER 2024.
Bids delivered to:
Troup County Purchasing Department
100 Ridley Ave., Suite 3100
LaGrange, GA 30240
Late bids will not be accepted
Mandatory Pre-Bid to be held on 17 SEPTEMBER 2024 at 11:00 AM on the Project Site.
Troup County Board of Commissioners is soliciting proposals (RFPs) from qualified individuals or vendors to provide an employee healthcare clinic as described in the Scope of Services set forth in the Request for Proposals for On Site Medical Service for vendors to provide an employee health clinic to its employees, dependents and retirees. The Troup County Board of Commissioners is particularly interested in vendors that specialize in representing high quality and cost-effective clinics for employers of comparable size who can reduce healthcare cost to Troup County.
Responses to this RFP are due by PM EST, Thursday, October 3, 2024. All proposals are to be completed and submitted in to Troup County Purchasing Department, 100 Ridley Ave., Suite 3100, LaGrange, GA 30240. Each proposal must include one original, 2 copies, and 1 electronic copy. Any proposal received after that time will not be accepted.
There will be a mandatory pre-proposal conference held on September 5, 2024 at WeCare Clinic, 900 Dallis Street, LaGrange, GA 30240. This is the location of our current employee clinic. You must have a representative sign in at this conference in order to submit a proposal.
All request for information and clarifications regarding this project shall reference the above invitation name and be submitted to Diana Evans, Troup County Purchasing Director at 100 Ridley Ave. Suite 3100, LaGrange, GA 30240 no later than Friday, September 20, 2024. 2:00 PM EST. Questions and answers will be issued in the form of an addendum to all interested parties and will be available on our website at
Pre-proposal meeting Sign In Sheet
Summery of Benefits and Coverage
Questions for On Site Medical Services
The Troup County Board of Commissioners is accepting sealed bids to provide towing of county owned vehicles. Bids must be submitted to the Troup County Purchasing Department, 100 Ridley Ave., Suite 3100, LaGrange, GA 30240, in a sealed envelope clearly marked “County Vehicle Towing” no later than 3:00 p.m., Tuesday, September 17, 2024. Late bids will not be accepted. Responses must be submitted on the bid response form provided with the specifications.
Each bidder must provide proof of general liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000.00, automobile insurance and workers’ compensation insurance. A current certificate of insurance must be provided to Troup County Purchasing Department every year. If at any time the successful bidder does not have all these coverages, you must notify Troup County Purchasing Department immediately. Troup County will then take the necessary actions to have the agreement terminated.
Questions will not be accepted after 3:00 p.m., Wednesday, September 11, 2024. Any/all addenda to the bid request will be posted to the Troup County website at
Troup County Board of Commissioners is accepting sealed bids for power washing of the structures and window cleaning at the Government Services Center Complex in LaGrange, GA 30240. The complete scope of work can be found on our website . The successful contractor will be required to provide a certificate of insurance verifying automobile liability, general liability and workers compensation insurance coverage.
A mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held onsite Thursday, August 15, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. Your company must have representative on the sign in sheet to submit a bid.
Any questions or requests for additional information must be submitted to Ramona Gillham, Purchasing Director, at no later than 5:00 p.m., August 29, 2024. Information from any other source will not be binding upon Troup County and could result in the disqualification of your bid. Any/all addenda will be posted to Troup County’s website.
The successful bidder will be required to complete a Troup County vendor package and provide all the information required by the package. These forms are all available at
Bids delivered to:
Troup County Purchasing Department
100 Ridley Ave., Suite 3100
LaGrange, GA 30240
Late bids will not be accepted
You must respond no later than 3:00 p.m., September 10 , 2024. Late bids will not be accepted. All bids must be valid for 60 days.
Sealed proposals from Contractors will be received by Troup County Purchasing Department, in 100 Ridley Avenue, Suite 3100, until 2 p.m. at the time prevailing in LaGrange, Georgia on 28 AUG 2024 for the Whitesville Road Soccer Complex (Expansion Project) – Three (3) New Full Size Soccer Fields & Two (2) Additional Parking Lots located at 1700 Whitesville Road, LaGrange, Georgia. At the time and place noted above, the proposals will be publicly opened. The exterior of the package must be clearly marked identifying the contents of the package. All sealed proposals shall include a fully completed/executed PROPOSAL FORM (as provided in this INVITATION TO BID) and the required 5% Bid Bond. Each sealed proposal shall include one (1) original bid proposal, three (3) hard copies, and one (1) electronic copy of the complete bid proposal.
The contract, if awarded, will be on a lump sum basis. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after time has been called on the date of the opening.
The project is to be substantially complete in one hundred and fifty (150) consecutive calendar days. Anticipated start date for construction is on or about 16 SEPT 2024.
Bids delivered to:
Troup County Purchasing Department
100 Ridley Ave., Suite 3100
LaGrange, GA 30240
Late bids will not be accepted
Mandatory Pre-Bid to be held on 8 AUG 2024 at 2 PM on the Project Site.
Sealed proposals from general contractors will be received by Troup County Purchasing Department, in 100 Ridley Avenue, Suite 3100, until 2 p.m. at the time prevailing in LaGrange, Georgia on 01 AUG 2024 for the Troup County Pickleball Courts located at 131 Ragland Street, LaGrange, Georgia. At the time and place noted above the proposals will be publicly opened.
The contract, if awarded, will be on a lump sum basis. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after time has been called on the date of the opening.
The project is to be substantially complete in two hundred and forty (240) consecutive calendar days. Anticipated start date for construction is on or about 19 AUG 2024.
Bids delivered to:
Troup County Purchasing Department
100 Ridley Ave., Suite 3100
LaGrange, GA 30240
Late bids will not be accepted
Mandatory Pre-Bid to be held on 27 JUN 2024 at 3PM on the Project Site
Dropbox Pickleball 2315 Project Manual
Dropbox Pickleball 2315 Drawings
Troup County Re-Roof Project - 900 Dallis Street
The Board of County Commissioners of Troup County will receive sealed bid proposals for: Troup County GA -900 Dallis Street, Re-Roof Project, as described in the construction documents for this project. Construction documents for this project and bid proposal documents can be obtained at:
All sealed bid proposals from Contractors will be received by Troup County Purchasing Department, in 100 Ridley Avenue, Suite 3100, until 2:00 PM at the time prevailing in LaGrange, Georgia on 30 APRIL 2024 for the Troup County GA - 900 Dallis Street, Re-Roof Project. At the time and place noted above, the sealed bid proposals will be publicly opened. The exterior of the package must be clearly marked identifying the contents of the package. All sealed bid proposals shall include a fully completed/executed BID PROPOSAL FORM (as provided in the bid proposal documents) and the required 5% Bid Bond. Each response shall include one (1) original bid proposal, three (3) hard copies, and one (1) electronic copy of the complete bid proposal.
Troup County Board of Commissioner is accepting sealed bids for 4” fire hose and miscellaneous hose accessories. Sealed bids are due in the Troup County Purchasing Department, 100 Ridley Avenue, Suite 3100, LaGrange, GA 30240 no later than 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, April 23, 2024. Late bids will not be accepted. Any questions regarding this request for bids must be submitted to Diana Evans, Purchasing Director at, Information from any other source will not be binding to Troup County and could result in your bid being disqualified. All questions must be submitted no later than 5:00 p.m., Monday, April 15, 2024.
The Board of Commissioners of Troup County (the “Board”) has plans for the construction of a New Pickleball Complex located within the city limits of LaGrange, Georgia. The delivery method of the proposed project will be a General Contractor (GC) working under a contract agreement where the basis of payment is a stipulated lump sum. The proposed project will be located on an approximately 2.5 acre site to include approximately 8 covered pickleball courts, 16 open air pickleball courts, a covered pavilion with bathrooms, and ADA Handicap compliant parking/access.
Bids delivered to: Troup County Purchasing Department 100 Ridley Ave., Suite 3100 LaGrange, GA 30240
Mandatory Pre-Bid to be held on 18 JAN 2024 at 2 PM at:
George Harris Baseball Complex 131 Ragland Street, LaGrange GA 30240
Callaway Stadium & Field Lighting Project RFP (10/26/2023)
801 Dallis Street, LaGrange, Ga 30240
Sealed proposals from Contractors will be received by Troup County Purchasing Department, in 100 Ridley Avenue, Suite 3100, until 3 p.m. at the time prevailing in LaGrange, Georgia on 30 NOV 2023 for the Callaway Stadium & Field Lighting Project RFP (10/26/2023) located at 801 Dallis Street, LaGrange, Georgia. At the time and place noted above, the proposals will be publicly opened. All sealed proposals shall include a fully completed/executed PROPOSAL FORM, as provided in this INVITATION TO BID, the required 5% Bid Bond, and a detailed project proposal demonstrating the proposed lighting system design and compliance with the Scope of Work. The detailed project proposal shall include an equipment layout, on-field design, off-field design, photometric design/layout report, written performance guarantee, structural/engineering design & calculations, control & monitoring design plans, electrical design plans, all product information, a copy of all manufacturer’s product warranties, and the contractor’s written warranty covering all labor, installation, and workmanship.
The contract, if awarded, will be on a lump sum basis. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after time has been called on the date of the opening.
The project is to be substantially complete in one hundred and twenty (120) consecutive calendar days. Anticipated start date for construction is on or about 2 JAN 2024.
Bids delivered to: Troup County Purchasing Department 100 Ridley Ave., Suite 3100 LaGrange, GA 30240
Late bids will not be accepted.
Mandatory Pre-Bid to be held on 7 NOV 2023 at 3 PM on the Project Site.
Callaway Stadium Renovations RFP (10/26/2023)
801 Dallis Street, LaGrange, Ga 30240
Concrete Flat Work & Concrete Stadium Refurbishment
Sealed proposals from Contractors will be received by Troup County Purchasing Department, in 100 Ridley Avenue, Suite 3100, until2 p.m. at the time prevailing in LaGrange, Georgia on 30 NOV 2023 for the Callaway Stadium Renovations RFP (10/26/2023) - Concrete Flat Work & Concrete Stadium Refurbishment located at 801 Dallis Street, LaGrange, Georgia. At the time and place noted above, the proposals will be publicly opened. All sealed proposals shall include a fully completed/executed PROPOSAL FORM, as provided in this INVITATION TO BID, the required 5% Bid Bond, a copy of all manufacturer’s product warranties, and the contractor’s written warranty covering all labor and installation.
The contract, if awarded, will be on a lump sum basis. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after time has been called on the date of the opening.
The project is to be substantially complete in one hundred and twenty (120) consecutive calendar days. Anticipated start date for construction is on or about 2 JAN 2024.
Bids delivered to: Troup County Purchasing Department 100 Ridley Ave., Suite 3100 LaGrange, GA 30240
Late bids will not be accepted.
Mandatory Pre-Bid to be held on 7 NOV 2023 at 2 PM on the Project Site.
Sealed proposals from Contractors will be received by Troup County Purchasing Department, in 100 Ridley Avenue, Suite 3100, until2 p.m. at the time prevailing in LaGrange, Georgia on 30 NOV 2023 for the Callaway Stadium Renovations RFP (10/26/2023) - Concrete Flat Work & Concrete Stadium Refurbishment located at 801 Dallis Street, LaGrange, Georgia. At the time and place noted above, the proposals will be publicly opened. All sealed proposals shall include a fully completed/executed PROPOSAL FORM, as provided in this INVITATION TO BID, the required 5% Bid Bond, a copy of all manufacturer’s product warranties, and the contractor’s written warranty covering all labor and installation.
The contract, if awarded, will be on a lump sum basis. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after time has been called on the date of the opening.
The project is to be substantially complete in one hundred and twenty (120) consecutive calendar days. Anticipated start date for construction is on or about 2 JAN 2024.
Bids delivered to: Troup County Purchasing Department 100 Ridley Ave., Suite 3100 LaGrange, GA 30240
Late bids will not be accepted.
Mandatory Pre-Bid to be held on 7 NOV 2023 at 2 PM on the Project Site.
Sealed proposals from General Contractors will be received by Troup County Purchasing Department, 100 Ridley Ave, Suite 3100 until 2:00 p.m. at the time prevailing in LaGrange, Georgia on November 9, 2023 for the Griggs Pool & Pavilion, Package No. 2, located at 716 Glenn Robertson Drive, LaGrange, Georgia. At the time and place noted above the proposals will be publicly opened.
The contract, if awarded, will be on a lump sum basis. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after time has been called on the date of the opening.
The project is to be substantially complete in one hundred and fifty (150) consecutive calendar days. Anticipated start date for construction is on or about December 1, 2023.
A mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held on October 24, 2023 at 2 PM on the project site.
Bids delivered to: Troup County Purchasing Department 100 Ridley Ave., Suite 3100 LaGrange, GA 30240
Late bids will not be accepted.
Dropbox Griggs Pool Construction
Dropbox Griggs Pool and Pavilion
ADDENDUM 1 Pavilion Package No. 2
Sealed proposals from general or grading contractors will be received by Troup County Purchasing Department, in 100 Ridley Avenue, Suite 3100, until 2 p.m. at the time prevailing in LaGrange, Georgia on 07 SEP 2023 for the Griggs Pool & Pavilion, Package No. 1 - Rough Grading located at 716 Glenn Robertson Drive, LaGrange, Georgia. At the time and place noted above the proposals will be publicly opened.
The contract, if awarded, will be on a lump sum basis. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after time has been called on the date of the opening.
The project is to be substantially complete in sixty (60) consecutive calendar days. Anticipated start date for construction is on or about 21 SEP 2023.
Late bids will not be accepted.
Mandatory Pre-Bid to be held on 17 AUG 2023 at 2 PM on the Project Site.
All requests for clarification or additional information must be made via email ONLY to Diana Evans, Troup County Purchasing Director at and also Skip Smith, Smith Design Group, Inc. at No phone calls or contacts other than email is allowed. Contacting any other party prior to the bid opening for information will require that any bid submitted by said bidder being non-responsive. No requests for information or Questions will be allowed after 25 August 2023
The Troup County Board of Commissioners is accepting sealed proposals for inmate health care and pharmacy services for the Troup County Jail.
Each response shall include one original and three copies as well as one electronic copy and must be received in the Troup County Purchasing Department, 100 Ridley Avenue, Suite 3100, LaGrange, GA 30240 no later than 3:00 p.m., Tuesday, August 8, 2023. Late responses will not be accepted.
The successful respondent(s) will be required to provide proof of general liability insurance, professional liability insurance as well as worker compensation.
All questions or requests for additional information must be submitted by e-mail to Diana Evans, Purchasing Director at Information from any other source will not be binding upon Troup County and requesting information from any other source could lead to disqualification. Communications with any elected official or staff member aside from the email above prior to the award of the bid is prohibited. No questions will be accepted after 5:00 p.m., July 20, 2023.
There will be a site visit for all that wish to attend on Tuesday, June 20, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. at the Troup County Jail, 130 Sam Walker Drive, LaGrange, GA 30240
WeCare Diagnostic Service and Healthcare
WeCare Troup County Jail Health Agreement
WeCare Change Request #1 Troup County Jail 2020
WeCare Amendment To Troup County Jail Agreement
WeCare Troup County Jail Amendment No. 2 2021
WeCare Change Order #39 Troup County Jail
WeCare Change Order #3 Troup County Jail
The Board of County Commissioners of Troup County will receive sealed bids for the Demolition & Renovation Project at the Whitesville Road Elementary School (Gymnasium & Soccer Complex), as described in the construction documents for this project. Bid documents can be obtained at All bids are to be submitted in a sealed package to the Troup County Purchasing Department, Attn: Diana Evans, 100 Ridley Avenue, Suite 3100, LaGrange, GA 30240, not later than Thursday, March 30, 2023 at 2:00 pm EST. The exterior of the package must be clearly marked identifying the contents of the package. Late bids will NOT be accepted.
Erosion-Sedimentation Control Plans
You are invited to submit a sealed bid for providing the Right of Way Mowing and Litter Pickup for the Troup County Board of Commissioners. Attached are the general conditions, standard instructions, bid specification, and bid form. Variation from the given specifications should be noted on the bid form with an explanation of said variation(s) attached. Bids are to be marked with bidder’s name and address and labeled: Bid for Right of Way Mowing and mailed or delivered to the following address no later than 10:00 a.m. local time, Monday, March 20, 2023.
Right of Way Mowing Invitation to Bid
The Troup County Board of Commissioners is soliciting sealed proposals for food service for the Troup County Jail and Troup County Jail Annex.
All proposals must be received in the Troup County Purchasing Department, 100 Ridley Avenue, Suite 3100, LaGrange, GA 30240 no later than 3:00 P.M., Tuesday, March 14, 2023. Each submission will include 3 complete copies of the proposal response as well as an electronic copy. Each proposal must be sealed and clearly marked “FOOD SERVICE PROPOSAL”. Late proposals will not be accepted.
The Troup County Board of Commissioners is soliciting sealed bids for two (2) 2000 gallon pumper/tanker truck fire apparatus for the Troup County Fire Department.
All bids must be submitted in sealed packaging clearly marked “Pumper/Tanker Trucks”. All bids must include a 10% bid bond. A 100% performance and payment bond will be required from the successful bidder. The sureties must either be authorized by the Insurance Commissioner of Georgia to do business in Georgia or must be on the United States Treasury’s list of approved bond sureties. If the surety is on the United States Treasury’s list, proof must be provided with the bond.
All bids must be received in the Troup County Purchasing Department, 100 Ridley Avenue, Suite 3100, LaGrange, GA 30240 no later than 11:00 a.m., Tuesday, March 7, 2023. The bids will be publically opened at in the conference room of the Commissioner on the 3rd floor at the same address. Each submission will include “1” original and “3” copies as well as one electronic copy in PDF form of the complete bid response. Late bids will not be accepted.
Troup County, Georgia (the “County”) will receive sealed technical and fee proposals for Solid Waste Collection Services until January 25, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. EST for the above referenced services which are described in the attached schedules. The County invites service providers to submit proposals responsive to the specific requirements set forth in this request for proposals (RFP). Late proposals will not be accepted.
Sealed bids will be received by the Owner, the Troup County Board of Commissioners, Lagrange, Georgia, at the Offices of the Purchasing Director, at 100 Ridley Ave, Suite 3100, Lagrange, Georgia, 30240 until 11:30 a.m. local time, on Wednesday, December 14, 2022 and then publicly opened and read aloud, for furnishing all labor, materials and equipment, and performing all work necessary for completing the Runway 3/21 Crack Seal, Sealcoat and Remarking.
The Board of County Commissioner of Troup County will receive sealed bids for: Light Fixture Conversion Phase I as described in the construction documents for this project. Bid documents can be obtained at All bids are to be submitted in a sealed package to Troup County Purchasing Department, Attn: Diana Evans, 100 Ridley Ave., Suite 3100, LaGrange, GA 30240, no later than Wednesday, July 6, 2022 at 3:00 pm EST. The exterior of the package must be clearly marked identifying the contents of the package. Late bids will NOT be accepted.
Troup County Board of Commissioner is soliciting bids for the transportation needs of the Troup County Accountability Courts participants. The successful bidder must provide proof of vehicle insurance as well as workers’ compensation coverage. These coverages must be kept current throughout the duration of the contract with Troup County.
Accountability Court Transportation Contract RFP Specs
Addenda 1 - Participant Transportatin Bids
The Troup County Board of Commissioners LaGrange, GA (Owner) is requesting proposals for the services of a Construction Management Firm (CM). In addition to managing the construction, the CM will provide pre-construction services and work collaboratively with Troup County ’s Architect, Smith Design Group, Inc., to develop potential cost savings, safety plans and schedules in relation to these proposed enhancements.
The CM firm will issue a guaranteed maximum price for Oakfuskee Conservation Center after completion of pre-construction services and, if accepted by the Owner, will assume responsibility for project construction. The GMP will be a contractual obligation. The CM will also develop an overall project schedule, which will be a contractual obligation. In addition, the CM will be responsible for methods of construction, bonding the project, safety, and the scheduling and coordination of the work of all construction and miscellaneous contracts required for completion of the project within its predetermined budget and scheduling.
Oakfuskee Observation Center Mandatory Pre-Bid Sign in Sheet
Dropbox informationThe Board of County Commissioner of Troup County will receive sealed bids for all parking garage repairs and roof replacement of the Government Center Complex as described in the construction documents for this project. Bid documents can be obtained at All bids are to be submitted in a sealed package to Troup County Purchasing Department, Attn: Diana Evans, 100 Ridley Ave., Suite 3100, LaGrange, GA 30240, no later than Monday, August 23, 2021 at 3:00 pm EST. The exterior of the package must be clearly marked identifying the contents of the package. Late bids will NOT be accepted.
Garage Roof Advertisement for Bids
Courthouse Reroofing Issue for Bid
Government Center Const Doc Issued for Bid
Courthouse Reroofing Project Manual
Troup County Repair Sign In Sheet
Addenda 1 Courthouse Reroofing
Link for the roof access ladder specs here:
The Troup County Board of Commissioners is accepting sealed bids for the replacement of metal roofs and insulation at 2 county buildings. The first is Troup County Fire Station #1, 2471 Hamilton Road, LaGrange, GA 30241 and the second is Troup County Roads & Engineering, 100 Sam Walker Drive, LaGrange, GA 30241. Bids must be submitted to the Troup County Purchasing Department, 100 Ridley Ave., Suite 3100, LaGrange, GA 30240, in a sealed envelope clearly marked “Metal Roof Replacement” no later than 3:00 p.m., June 15, 2021. Late bids will not be accepted. Responses must be submitted on the bid response form provided with the scope of work.
Troup County Board of Commissioners is soliciting sealed bids to prepare the floors and coat the floors of the restroom and locker rooms at the Mike Daniel Recreation Center located at 1220 LaFayette Parkway, LaGrange, GA 30241. Bids will be accepted until 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, May 25, 2021 in the Troup County Purchasing Department, 100 Ridley Avenue, Suite 3100, LaGrange, Georgia 30240. All bids must be sealed and clearly marked “MDRC Floor Coating”. At the time and place noted above the proposals will be publicly opened and read.
Scope Locker Room and Restrooms
Proposal Locker Room and Restrooms
The LaGrange Callaway Airport located in Troup County, Georgia requests “Statements of Qualifications” from qualified firms to engage in services of a consulting firm for planning, design, and construction administration services in connection with the Airport Capital Improvement Plan (or project description) at the Lagrange Callaway Airport.
Advertisement-Airport Consulting Services
Airport Consulting Services Addenda1
Airport Consulting Services Addenda2
The Troup County Board of Commissioners is soliciting sealed proposals for the replacement and upgrades to the electrical and plumbing of Pyne Road Park Camp Ground.
Pyne Road Park Camp Ground Bid Notice
Pyne Road Park Camp Ground RFP
Pyne Road Park Camp Ground Bid Response Page
The Troup County Board of Commissioners is soliciting sealed bids complete source capture exhaust systems of 7 different locations for the Troup County Fire Department. All bids must be submitted in sealed packaging clearly marked “Source Capture Exhaust Systems”. All bids must include a 5% bid bond.
Source Capture Exhaust Systems Bid Notice
Source Capture Exhaust Systems Scope of Work
The Troup County Board of Commissioners LaGrange, GA (Owner) is requesting proposals for the services of a Construction Management Firm (CM). In addition to managing the construction, the CM will provide preconstruction services and work collaboratively with Troup County ’s Architect, 2WR of Georgia, Inc., to develop potential cost savings, safety plans and schedules in relation to this new facility.
CM At-Risk Services Bid Notice
The Troup County Board of Commissioners is soliciting sealed bids for an aerial truck fire apparatus for the Troup County Fire Department. All bids must be submitted in sealed packaging clearly marked “Aerial Truck”. All bids must include a 10% bid bond.
Aerial Truck Fire Apparatus Bid Notice
Aerial Truck Fire Apparatus Specifications
Aerial Truck Fire Apparatus Purchase Questionnaire
Aerial Truck Fire Apparatus - Equipment List
Aerial Truck Fire Apparatus - Addenda 1
Aerial Truck Fire Apparatus - Addenda 2
You are invited to submit a sealed bid for providing the Right of Way Mowing for the Troup County Board of Commissioners. Attached are the general conditions, standard instructions, bid specification, and bid form. Variation from the given specifications should be noted on the bid form with an explanation of said variation(s) attached. Bids are to be marked with bidder’s name and address and labeled: Bid for Right of Way Mowing and mailed or delivered to the following address no later than 3:00 p.m. local time, Tuesday, August 25, 2020.
Right of Way Mowing Bid Invitation
Right of Way Mowing Bid Request
Right of Way Mowing - Road List
The Troup County Board of Commissioners is accepting sealed bids for grounds maintenance of the Pyne Road Park Complex. Bids must be submitted to the Troup County Purchasing Department, 100 Ridley Ave., Suite 3100, LaGrange, GA, 30240, in a sealed envelope clearly marked “Pyne Road Park Grounds Maintenance” no later than 3:00 p.m., Monday, March 16, 2018. Late bids will not be accepted. Responses must be submitted on the bid response form provided with the specifications.
Grounds Maintenance for Pyne Road Park Complex Bid Request
Grounds Maintenance for Pyne Road Park Complex Bid Tabulation Spreadsheet